October 04, 2021

Introducing The Saint Michael Times


    Happy October! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying fall. Below is a copy of the first edition of The Saint Michael Times Newsletter - a homeschool project we'll be working on throughout this school year.  Much of this first copy was choosing our title, discussing the overall concept and goal, and working together to choose content. I hope future issues will contain more original content from the boys, but we tried to keep it simple for now. 

    The idea for this project came from the "Sharing the Good News" book from Catholic Heritage Curricula.  I've used other curriculum from this provider since I started homeschooling - 14 years ago! My boys have all enjoyed using their Language of God series and Catholic Spellers for language arts as well as several other materials to make up our curriculum each year. When I was browsing their website in anticipation of this coming school year, I read the description for the "Sharing the Good News" book and thought it was a great idea! I hoped it would be a fun, engaging and unique project for the boys and I to work on together. 

    Our plan is to produce an issue each month and if you'd like to be added to the list of email recipients (that way you'll get the PDF version delivered to your inbox) please let me know! You may also be wondering if this is going to replace regular blog posts and the answer is - I'm not sure! I hope to get back to writing regular blog posts, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy our newsletter. 

~ Dori