April 17, 2021

Tour 1 Week 19


We've spent a lot of time watching foxes lately. Something about Spring has encouraged them to consistently roam in the area surrounding our house. They're beautiful creatures and fascinating to watch. It's interesting to see how much they behave like dogs. I don't have a picture, but one rainy day I looked out the kitchen window and saw a fox curled up in a "donut" shape out on the hill in the ravine. He (she?) napped there in the rain for several hours, while occasionally standing up, circling in the opposite direction and "re-donuting."

Much like our little dog, Bella.

For several days we had TWO foxes to watch frolicking in the sunshine.

It would seem that when fox kits reach the age equivalent of a teenager, they will roam together, but away from mom and dad. Mom or dad are nearby, though, and one day we did see an adult fox not too far away from the kits. Close enough to keep tabs on them but far enough for the teens to gain some independence.


And thus ends today's lesson on Red Foxes. 
They really are beautiful animals. Even when they're carrying dead things in their mouths while jogging past my window. 

Which has happened several times. 

I promise I'll stop talking about foxes now.

Other things we've learned about this week include the Cold War, the Korean War, Rosa Parks, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. We also spent time learning about the Civil Rights Movement in general and we added the Pacific States and Capitals to our geography notebooks.

We also shifted our focus to a new saint, composer and artist: Saint Katharine Drexel, Scott Joplin and Alexander Calder.  Since it was Holy Week, though, we didn't spend much time on them. Instead, we spent time revisiting the different aspects of the Easter Triduum - Easter is the greatest celebration in the Catholic Church after all. 

We even colored Easter eggs! This is one of those things I did more consistently with the older boys and sort of forget to do with the younger two. 

What can I say? I'm a perfectly imperfect person. 

The boys enjoyed it, didn't kill each other in the process, and I'm the only one who somehow ended up with blue fingers. I consider that a win. 

The Easter Bunny came, and we got to attend Easter Sunday Mass in person - unlike last year when the whole world had just completely shut down and our only choice was Mass in the living room. 

Thanks Covid. 

We also enjoyed time with Nana and Papa and a delicious meal together. That none of us had to cook or clean up after. 

And speaking of Covid, all the members of our family who are eligible (meaning me, Kevin and the two oldest boys) got our vaccines! The teen boys have a second one in a couple weeks and then we'll all be as protected as we can be for now. We're looking forward to spending time with family and friends we haven't seen in over a year! 

I think I win for Most Interesting Place to get Vaccinated since I got my shot in garage 24 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. 

That was our week! Happy Easter!

~ Dori

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