Thanks to a random and somewhat lengthy power outage over the weekend, I failed to accomplish some of my routine Saturday tasks. Like writing a blog post.
I spent a few hours at Birthright on Saturday morning, came home, ate some lunch then - boom. Power went out. We all assumed it would come back on in a timely fashion, but alas, this was not the case. The time estimates from the energy company kept moving farther back (something about an equipment failure) until it became clear that we would not have power until well after bedtime. While the boys played games on their Kindles until their batteries ran out, I took the opportunity to finally sit down and design a stitching project I've had in my head for some time now.
I mean, it's not like I could be expected to do any laundry or other housework without power, right?
I am definitely the person in the family who could go the longest without power and screen time. Assuming I have access to crafting materials and/or a good book. It's good to be reminded of things we take for granted, though. Like electricity.
Saturday night is our Family Game Night, so we ordered pizza and played games by candlelight.
The power came back on sometime around midnight. Fortunately, I had the forethought to go around turning things into their "off" positions on my way to bed so we weren't all woken up by bright lights and noises.
We started our week with a rainy day of crafting (apparently I'll take any excuse to spend time on creative pursuits). I worked on several projects and the younger boys broke out the Perler beads to make some Saint Patrick's Day decorations for the fridge.