February 24, 2021

Tour 1 Week 14


There's nothing quite like the homemade gifts of affection from young children.  All their sweetness and innocence and unabashed love for their mother manifested in one hand-drawn, crayon-colored, construction paper masterpiece. 

Or cookies. 

They do know their mother well.

February 08, 2021

Tour 1 Week 13 (and a Birthday!)


Happy February!  Yes, I realize we're already eight days in as I write this. Maybe it's a good thing that 2021 seems to be moving along at a brisk pace. I think we're all a bit anxious to resume some semblance of "normal" activities - at the very least more time outdoors. 

Except that my youngest "baby" turned seven last week and my oldest "baby" turns nineteen (19!!!) next week. 

So never mind - time definitely needs to slow down.