I think we all heard the collective sigh as the world ushered in a New Year.
But nevermind. It's early days and we haven't even sworn in the new guy, so maybe there's hope.
Definitely not foreshadowing or anything.
Fortunately, one boy received the new, improved Lego model for Christmas. And now the old one has been relegated to a bottom shelf while the new one sits proudly next to the Capitol building.
I always feel a little sad when it's time to put away the Christmas tree and decorations. This year our Christmas looked and felt a little different. Usually there's homeschool co-op Christmas activities, a week or two full of dog guests, Midnight Mass and visits with extended family.
I will admit that I enjoyed a less "busy" Christmas season - it was bittersweet really. But as I've mentioned before, I've been trying to focus on the silver linings of this whole Pandemic Situation. It made my heart happy to have all my boys home, safe and healthy. We still celebrated midnight Mass together, just streaming in our living room. When the youngest boy just couldn't stay awake any longer, we just carried him up to bed.
So that was a plus.
We even spent time before Mass all singing Christmas carols together. I have no video evidence of this, so as not to potentially embarrass boys, but you'll just have to trust me that it was a beautiful, magical Christmas Eve with all my boys singing together.
Another silver lining was getting to spend time with Nana and Papa. For the past few years, they have spent Christmas in California and while I know they missed making that trip this year, we were grateful for having the time with them.
We also discovered what a Card Shark the six year-old can be.
We were also fortunate to have some dog guests recently. Jordy is a young, always happy Springer Spaniel who just adores people. And other dogs. And just life in general.
Cinnamon and Sammy are a tiny, fluffy duo who fully embody the meaning of the term "lap dog."
Both of the college students in this house will start back next week and are set to have very full, busy and hopefully productive spring semesters. The rest of us will start back this week - as much as we've all enjoyed the break, it's time to get back to some sort of routine.
Before their brains turn completely to mush.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas and find health and happiness in the new year!
~ Dori
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