Every once in awhile life likes to remind us of things we take for granted.
This week I was reminded of at least three things I normally take for granted:
1) Working (kitchen) plumbing.
2) Working joints, like shoulders.
3) Warm weather.
Carefree Pomeranian |
So as not to leave you in suspense about the aforementioned impediments, I can say that:
1) After two days and the valiant efforts of the Husband snaking the drain, a quick visit from a plumber fixed the clog and restored function to the kitchen.
2) I've started physical therapy twice a week for the shoulder - which makes it feel better and worse simultaneously (if you've ever had physical therapy for something, you'll understand). Apparently, I've been walking around with my shoulder sitting slightly out-of-socket for months. True to my nature, I put off going to a doctor longer than I should have. I've been admonished by my Physical Therapist and reminded that if something hurts for more than four weeks, it's not going to go away on its own.
3) As I mentioned in my previous post, the Husband and I have embarked upon a Healthy Habits Challenge, which includes 30 minutes of exercise every day. My preferred form of exercise is a nice, long walk, preferably outdoors. This has been a challenge given the unpredictable weather of January in Indiana. As long as the sun is shining, I can find the mental wherewithal to just bundle up and go, but when it's gray and spitting ice from the sky it's a No Go.