October 04, 2021
Introducing The Saint Michael Times
May 18, 2021
Tour 1 Weeks 22 and 23
What can I say? The school year is winding down and I may have lost some momentum in the area of blog writing.
Among other things.
BUT - as a result of my procrastination, I can announce that Matthew was a winner in an art contest! Even though the three people who actually read this blog probably know that already.
The contest was through the Indiana State Museum, specifically the Friends of the Lincoln Collection. I was reading my email one day and a message from the the museum about the art contest caught my attention. Matthew was in the next room so I read the information aloud and asked him if it interested him at all and he enthusiastically replied yes! The contest was for ages 10-14 and residents of Indiana. The theme was "Re-imagining Lincoln" using any medium of the artist's choice and required an accompanying statement explaining the piece. Matthew immediately knew that he wanted to make a mosaic and his final project turned out really well!
He won an Honorable Mention in the 3D/Mixed Media category and will receive a check for $50. Which he plans to spend on...more art supplies.
May 02, 2021
Celebrating 20 Years of Outstanding Service
Last week we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. 20 years.
Twenty. Years.
To be more specific: 20 years, 5 kids, 4 dogs, 2 turtles, 8 houses/apartments in 3 states later...
We have a trip to Cancun to look forward to in the fall, but decided that, in the meantime, we would steal a few days away together. Especially since we were unable to properly celebrate last year - thanks Covid.
After much time spent researching different getaway ideas, we settled on our old standby - a secluded cabin in beautiful Brown County. This cabin was adorable, peaceful, and still convenient to Bloomington and Nashville for venturing out.
Such as for picnicking at a lovely winery.
April 25, 2021
Tour 1 Week 21
Clearly I spoke too soon about the whole "spring has spring" business in my last post. As much as I like snowy, winter weather, having a small snowstorm in late April seemed a bit much. The dogs were especially confused whenever they went outside.
We started our week with Family Game Night in the sunroom/porch and our last dog guest, Lucky, returning to his person. The 14 year-old spent the week preparing a Dungeons and Dragons adventure for us, including 3-D printed visual aids. I never really understand what's happening when we play D&D, but have a fun time with my boys nonetheless. I remember my brother trying desperately to explain the game to me a billion years ago when we were kids, but I just couldn't wrap my brain around it.April 20, 2021
Tour 1 Week 20
Spring has sprung! I took these pictures on one of my recent walks in the neighborhood - the beautiful colors of Spring are blooming all around us and it's especially promising after the long, long winter we've all had. Despite the constant high pollen warnings from my weather app and the inevitable sneezing and itching that accompanies it, I love spring weather.
April 17, 2021
Tour 1 Week 19
We've spent a lot of time watching foxes lately. Something about Spring has encouraged them to consistently roam in the area surrounding our house. They're beautiful creatures and fascinating to watch. It's interesting to see how much they behave like dogs. I don't have a picture, but one rainy day I looked out the kitchen window and saw a fox curled up in a "donut" shape out on the hill in the ravine. He (she?) napped there in the rain for several hours, while occasionally standing up, circling in the opposite direction and "re-donuting."
Much like our little dog, Bella.
For several days we had TWO foxes to watch frolicking in the sunshine.
March 29, 2021
Tour 1 Week 18
Cinnamon and Sammy |
We also had one of our regular Dog Duos staying with us this weekend - Cinnamon and Sammy (pictured above) are tiny, cuddly, lap dogs. We're looking forward to welcoming back many of our regular dog clients this month as more people get out and about for Spring vacations.
March 23, 2021
Tour 1 Week 17
Thanks to a random and somewhat lengthy power outage over the weekend, I failed to accomplish some of my routine Saturday tasks. Like writing a blog post.
I spent a few hours at Birthright on Saturday morning, came home, ate some lunch then - boom. Power went out. We all assumed it would come back on in a timely fashion, but alas, this was not the case. The time estimates from the energy company kept moving farther back (something about an equipment failure) until it became clear that we would not have power until well after bedtime. While the boys played games on their Kindles until their batteries ran out, I took the opportunity to finally sit down and design a stitching project I've had in my head for some time now.
I mean, it's not like I could be expected to do any laundry or other housework without power, right?
March 13, 2021
Tour 1 Week 16
Given my forgetfulness in writing about Week 15, I decided I should write about Week 16 as soon as possible.
While it's all still fresh in my mind and all.
Okay, I still had to look back at my pictures to cheat remember how the week went.
After an appropriate amount of time spent mourning the loss of the snow, the younger boys embraced the sunshine and warmer temperatures with more time playing outside. Having a walk to the park to look forward to also helped motivate them to finish their schoolwork in a timely fashion.
March 06, 2021
Tour 1 Week 15
We finished our Week 16 work this week, but I honestly kept forgetting that I never wrote about our Week 15 work. Throughout this past week, I have had moments in-between homeschooling and housework and physical therapy and grocery shopping and crafting and laundry and volunteer work where I would think to myself, "I feel like there's something I should work on right now, while I have some time..."
And then someone would ask me for a snack and that moment was lost forever.
February 24, 2021
Tour 1 Week 14
There's nothing quite like the homemade gifts of affection from young children. All their sweetness and innocence and unabashed love for their mother manifested in one hand-drawn, crayon-colored, construction paper masterpiece.
Or cookies.
They do know their mother well.
February 08, 2021
Tour 1 Week 13 (and a Birthday!)
Happy February! Yes, I realize we're already eight days in as I write this. Maybe it's a good thing that 2021 seems to be moving along at a brisk pace. I think we're all a bit anxious to resume some semblance of "normal" activities - at the very least more time outdoors.
Except that my youngest "baby" turned seven last week and my oldest "baby" turns nineteen (19!!!) next week.
So never mind - time definitely needs to slow down.
January 24, 2021
Tour 1 Week 12
Every once in awhile life likes to remind us of things we take for granted.
This week I was reminded of at least three things I normally take for granted:
1) Working (kitchen) plumbing.
2) Working joints, like shoulders.
3) Warm weather.
Carefree Pomeranian |
January 16, 2021
Tour 1 Week 11
Like most people, I didn't want Christmas break to end.
And yet, I did.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of content that comes with facing a much-deserved break from the normal, often-demanding, routine of daily home school life. The idea of days, even weeks of gloriously unstructured time was the well-earned reward for surviving the first part of the school year.
In a pandemic.
With everyone home.
All. The. Time.
January 11, 2021
Happy New Year
I think we all heard the collective sigh as the world ushered in a New Year.