December 19, 2020

Christmas Break - We Made It!

 Christmas is one of those Very Special Days that, unlike some other holidays (looking at you Easter), is always, always on the same date every year. And yet, I am always, always working through my Christmas To-Do List at the last minute. 

I've come to accept this about myself and no longer fight against my procrastinating instincts. 

We've been able to move at a more leisurely pace this holiday season compared to previous years - another silver lining of the Pandemic Situation. Other than scrambling to get packages sent to my brother before he moved out of the country, I've mostly been able to take my time and stay on task. We've been enjoying cookie-baking and movie-watching and lots and lots of Christmas stories (so far my plan has actually worked and each week I've been able to pick up a new pile of Christmas books from the library). 

December 05, 2020

Tour 1 Week 10


I may have gone a little overboard with the Christmas and Advent themed books this year.  But that doesn't look like an abnormally large stack of books, you might be thinking.  

I have 55 more on hold at the library. Fifty-five. 

It's a problem. 

Unless it works out as I hope and the books I've requested become available at a steady trickle over the course of the Christmas Season. In that case, I'm a genius. What's more likely, however, is that I will become bombarded by a sudden influx of Book Availability and will have more library books in my home than I can be trusted to keep track of. 

I blame the Pandemic. Like most people these days, our regular activities have been cancelled or moved online. Sure, I already home schooled, but that previously included a lot more busyness.  Homeschool co-op and religious ed classes and science classes and community college classes and sacrament prep meetings and volunteer work and fencing practice and dogsitting get the point.  

Now we have time. Time for morning snuggles and reading just one more story. Time to just sit and look at beautiful books and figure out the story from the pictures when it's still too hard to read it all on our own. 

I'm choosing to see the Silver Linings of this whole Pandemic Experience.